Saturday, April 12, 2008

Allegheny River Seasons

The Allegheny River is beautiful in any season. Here are a few shots from all four.

Late Spring

Spring rains can turn the river cocoa brown, filling the bed from bank to tree-lined bank. Trees along the river are most often cottonwood (Populus deltoides) and silver maple (Acer saccharinum).

Early Summer

The Allegheny Valley can get a lot of precipitation in early summer. The result is a very green environment.
Late Summer

Late summer is usually relatively dry, but the green remains. Islands appear when the river is lower, and quickly sprout greenery.

Busloads of leaf watchers visit the Enchanted Mountains annually to see the hills aflame with red, orange and yellow.


A calm and peaceful river reflects the autumn color, even as fallen leaves litter the surface.


A cold, wind-swept river can still appear inviting.

A beautiful river, even in the "dead" of winter.

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